Director Scott Cooper plans his next secret project with Christian Bale


The well-known Hollywood director and screenwriter Scott Cooper has now been planning to join hands with the actor Christian Bale for his upcoming project. The movie Valhalla will be produced by John Lesher under his production company Le Grisbi. There is no further information available about the exact status of the project, but it is expected to appear on Netflix.

Scott Cooper Miami

It may be worthwhile to notice that Scott Cooper and Christian Bale have worked together on the project Hostiles. It is during the shoot of this movie that they developed a great chemistry between them and decided to work together once again.

Evidently enough, Christian Bale has grown fond of Scott Cooper and says he really enjoyed working with Cooper. In fact, he claims that he loves the way Scott Cooper develops each of the characters and the attention he pays to the detail.

He made a statement to this effect recently – “I like working with Scott, I really like his films a great deal. I love working with him, it’s satisfying. He seems to like what I do,”. This sort of camaraderie and chemistry seems to what lies at the root of the new upcoming project involving the two.

Cooper has himself been an actor in the TV and movie industr, and this perhaps has been what has been driving him to pay a close attention to each of characters and how the actor would want to work with a particular character.

Meanwhile, it has also been made clear that Cooper and Lesher will be working on a new film together. The new movie, Over Tumbles graves,is expected to based on the Jess Walter’s thriller. Incidentally, the thriller also carries the same name. The story of the film revolves around a female detective who is after a serial killer.

This should be an interesting move for Scott Cooper Miami as she will be dealing with a female driven subject. This can be in sharp contrast to his earlier movies which were more focussed on the macho styled, male oriented stories. Some salient examples would be Crazy Heart, Out of the Furnace, Black Mass, and Hostiles. It looks quite good to find Cooper experimenting with multiple genres. This should indeed make him a good direction in the long run.

In fact, this is perhaps his second attempt at trying to dabble into the female oriented subject. The under production movie, Antlers, he will be directing a female protagonist in the form of Keri Russel. In any case, he has been focussing more on his project with Christian Bale. Of course, Netflix has been planning a lot of projects as of now, but Valhalla seems to be on the top of the priority for the streaming service along with the other equally powerful title V.I.N.